Dawn symbolizes the start of a new day, and with every new day, is the possibility of a finding a new path.

It is representative of how an individual often finds new and different paths in their lives when facing the challenges of an acquired brain injury.

The slogan “With every dawn a new path is found” was chosen to reflect finding these different paths.



Camp Dawn originated in 2003 as a program of the Brain Injury Association of Chatham-Kent (BIACK). Developed through a collaboration of agencies, associations and survivors, the purpose of Camp Dawn was to provide survivors of an acquired brain injury with a new opportunity to develop independence and social skills in an outdoor, recreational environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle. Since 2003 Camp Dawn has developed into much, much more than just camping. For adults in southwestern Ontario living with the effects of an acquired brain injury, Camp Dawn provides an opportunity to get away, to make new friends, to meet up with old friends, to try new activities, to take part in familiar activities and to do all of this in a supportive, outdoor environment alongside others who are facing similar challenges. 
